Vitamins the body makes
Most vitamins we need to ingest through food. But there are two that our body can make itself.
These are vitamin D and vitamin k. vitamin D is synthesized in the skin, under the influence of the Sun. For that it is important to every day a quarter of an hour to come out with hands and face uncovered. Vitamin K is made by bacteria in the intestine. Only babies can this yet (enough) and have therefore a supplement needed.
We make itself vitamins
In addition, the body also make vitamin A and vitamin B3, but other substances from the power supply, the so-called pro-vitamins. For vitamin A is this beta carotene, vitamin B3 for the amino acid tryptophan.
The body of man is not able to make vitamin C itself. Also great apes and Guinea Pigs cannot. All other animals can make vitamin C does itself.
Minerals we can not create itself. There are no exceptions. We must therefore all minerals from our diet.
The body as pantry
The body can store vitamins in the body. The fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins A, D, E and K are stored to a limited extent in the body. The rest is excreted through the urine or bile. The water soluble vitamins (B vitamins and vitamin C) may, with the exception of vitamin B12, also only in small quantities are stored. The rest will be excreted through the urine. Fat-soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins are stored in the body at different places. For example, vitamin A is stored in adipose tissue, vitamin B12 in the liver.
Because we most vitamins no large stock can moor, it is important that we get them daily through our diet. Minerals are stored in various places in the body. Examples include calcium, magnesium and zinc. Calcium can be found in bones, magnesium in muscles and zinc in the hair and skin.
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- Do I need a multivitamins?
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